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Ready-to-use 360-degree evaluation templates
and competency frameworks

Know your employees' hidden strengths, blind spots and areas of improvement, all virtually, by asking the right questions! 

A well-crafted 360-degree review template and process can boost the team's overall performance.

The revolutionary nuances of a 360-degree survey at work are more relevant and necessary than ever before. As companies experiment with a flexible work environment amid the contagion, holistic 360-degree templates can strengthen teams, leadership and entire performance management processes across industries and organizations by ensuring fair, accurate and unbiased feedback.  

Download this handbook that offers more objective insights into:

  • What is a 360-degree survey? 
  • List of competencies to create 360-degree survey questions 
  • How 360-degree surveys can be used for the most in-demand job roles this year 

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Trusted by more than 6000 clients worldwide 
